Influences and Inspirations...

Knowing that I'll will use drawing technique in our final project, I've looked a animations which include this style of creating stop motion. I found a very interesting animation which is based on a 'Matrix' film, representing a travelling bullet. Part of it was created digitally, but that keeps the video very realistic and interesting. I really like the way the audience sees the journey of the bullet from different angles, so that it is easy to understand. Also, the drawings are very detailed, but clear at the same time what makes an amazing combination.

I find this animation very influential and helpful when considering the use of this or similar technique in our project. I really like the fact that the actual camera stays at the same place taking picture of what's actually going on on the paper and with the use of pencil tells us the story and the purpose of it.
It was inspired by the 'Matrix' film, however while watching this video I thought of the music video of 'Take On Me' by A-Ha.

'Take On Me' made the biggest impression on me, because it was the mixture of reality and pencil sketch animation, which was actually really realistic, interesting and very successful. The music video was directed by Steve Barron, who is mainly a music video director and producer. The music video was recorded in 1984 and released in 1985. Rotoscoping technique was used to create the animation. It is basically a technique in which animators trace over live-action scene film movement frame by frame to produce a stop motion. The images were after redrawn by the animator. About 3,000 frames were rotoscoped and this action took 16 weeks to complete. The theme of the video is a romantic fantasy. Overall I think the whole music video is really successful and unique.

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