Ladyslaw Strarewicz

I have been researching for other inspiration to include it my final project. I looked at an animator, who was born in 1892 and he created animations like ‘The Beautiful Lukanida’ in 1910, ‘The Battle of the Stag Beetles’ also in 1910, then ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ in 1911, ‘Voyage to the Moon’, ‘On the Warsaw Highway’, ‘Frogland’ and many, many others. Starewicz was the first filmmaker to use stop frame animation and puppets to tell consistently understandable stories. His animations often included insects’ bodies what made the video more interesting. His works usually are about 7-15 minutes long and they have a certain story. The scenes are created to look realistically, however the characters are usually abstract. The colours of the projects are very simple, mainly because of the quality of the equipment Starewicz used to produce the stop motion animation, which wasn’t very good at that time. In his works, the abstract characters don’t speak. Instead, the animator put the piano music which will go with the clip to create mood and atmosphere and to make it easier to understand. 
I didn't find his work very helpful to produce our final project. The only part that might be a little but helpful is the way Starewicz used music to describe what is happening in the animation. 

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