The Process of a Final Idea

For our project development, we started creating out final video, by taking photographs. We created a studio, were we had much bigger space to work. By looking at our  first experiment, we thought that the idea of the newspapers worked well, so we decided to use them as a background again. For the lighting, we used a much bigger and more powerful source of light, so that the audience is focused on the character and so that all the details are visible.

I put few pictures of how we were creating the background. I also wanted to show the light, which we used for the project and how did the whole set looked overall. With the newspapers, we decided to go more spontaneous, what looks quite interesting, but in my opinion it also distracts the viewers' attention from the main subject.

Our final photographs weren't as successful as we expected, because even though, we considered the space of the set, the lighting etc. there were other things that didn't work. One of our ideas, was to draw on the body with henna, so that the actual drawings will be more visible and bold. Unfortunately, we had to stick with a pen at the end. 
We had limited time to take photographs, so to save time we used two people to draw on the body. This action gave two different styles of drawing at the end. Also, people creating the drawings produced shadows so when the video is played, the lighting keeps changing very quickly. 
Some photographs were taken out of focus, so again, this part didn't really work. 
When we start taking photographs for another video, we will use only one person to draw on the body, and we will make sure that the lighting is not distracted, so it keeps the same. 

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