The Process of a Final Idea

As our final idea, I came up with a new concept, which includes body drawing. I produced a very short clip of how I see the video. The purpose of the video would be to explore stop frame animation more in depth, by creating a video which will reflect the idea of it.
To create my experiment, I thought of the background firstly. Instead of having a plain one, I decided to use newspapers to make it more interesting without loosing the viewers' attention by placing the light on the right side and turning it directly towards the character.
On this video, I wanted to experiment with different objects, so that there is more than one subject. Another reason for placing a guitar in the set, is to show the difference between a subject where there is a movement and a subject which stays the same through the whole clip.
The set for the video is very simplified, as I was doing it at home, so there was limited space that I could use and I didn't have any strong and direct light. However, I think that as an experiment, the outcome is quite pleasing.

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