Alexander Petrov

I looked at the examples of artists’ work that used drawing, or painting techniques to create stop frame animation. One of the most interesting artists I found was Aleksander Petrov, who was a Russian animator and animation director. He mainly creates short video clips, which are entirely made in pastel oil paintings on glass, what is very impressive. Instead of a paintbrush, he used his fingertips on different glass sheets which he covered with slow drying oil paints, what gave him an ability to add depth into his work. Petrov usually painted on A2 canvas, so that every time he photographed the frame, he changed the image slightly for the next frame to create an illusion of movement when the photographs are running in a sequence. The technique Petrov uses a very creative, time consuming, beautiful and successful. His works include people, animals, landscapes which are painted very realistically. When making detailed paintings, the artist had to think of every movement very carefully. He also created different scenes and angles to make the video more realistic and so that the audience is able to easily understand what’s happening in the clip. I found work of Alexander Petrov very interesting and helpful as my project also inludes the creative part, where we had to create drawings when producing the stop frame.

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