Our project

Based on the feedback we received it is essential to improve the camera movements as it is seemed as one of the distractions. Stop Frame Animation is about a smooth change of the objects and fluent moves, so that it seems realistic. We didn't manage to keep the camera stable at some parts of our film, however this would be our main aspect when creating another video based on this concept.
I believe that overall, we managed to create a beautiful stop frame animation and we presented it in an interesting way. The soundtrack was the right choice as it appears from our feedback and personally I believe it worked well as it perfectly describes the importance of Time.
The background might be slightly distracting, however we wanted to make a comparison which would suggest reality and how people make changes in their lives, what contrasts with the action in the video.
I am happy with the result of the video and received feedback as it shows that the film is quite successful overall.

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