The Final Project

Looking at our previous experiments, I started to think what went well, what didn't and what we could do to improve that.
In our last experiment, the idea of the background worked well as it looked exciting and fascinating. Through that concept, we wanted to describe what our video is about.
The lighting in our last video wasn't considered well enough, what caused an unsuccessful outcome at the end, however we did focus the lighting on the main character what gave a fantastic result and helped the audience concentrate on the subject instead of the busy background. 
In this process of creating the video, we had limitations like space and the lighting wasn't as strong as in our previous video. 
Our concept of the video is to describe the attitude of a young person towards life and to show our own interpretation of time. 
A person on the chair is our main character, whose life is passing by what starts to appear on her skin. It seems like her she is trying to go against the time, however she is not making any changes which could positively reflect on her life. The background made out of newspaper is slightly distracting, however we wanted to make a symbol of reality and people making changes in their lives, while our character is sitting calmly and still, without feeling or emotions what symbolizes no changes. 
The guitar is supposed to represent undiscovered passions and talents, which cannot be used without any changes. 
By this idea, we wanted to describe the importance of Time and what role it makes in everybody's life. We try to communicate with the viewer and make the audience think about our concept more in depth. 

I believe that the outcome is quite successful and I really like the concept and the music which perfectly describes the importance of Time, although I think we could improve the project by keeping the camera more stable and maybe making the project slightly longer.
For the titles, I also used the stop frame animation technique, what took quiet a lot of time to complete, however I'm happy with the result as it is. 
What I'm very satisfied with is the lighting, because it was one of our limitations. And we managed to deal with that using a normal desk lamp and we put it on the ground what created an interesting effect. 
When editing, we used the fade in and fade out effects to make the video run more smoothly and it worked quiet well. Also, at the beginning of the video, we decided to show the whole character and start getting closer to a certain part of the subject, which takes up the whole frame. 

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