
Creating a storyboard while making a film or a video is very important. They can be produced by hand drawing or digitally on the computer. This process helps organise the sequence of the clip. It was firstly developed by the Walt Disney Studio and even nowadays some film makers use this technique to get a better understanding of a certain scene.
Josh Sheppard created a site which shows his storyboard work in Feature Films and TV.

His works are very interesting and creative. Images in his storyboards are mainly hand drawn which include a lot of details, they show perspective, describe what is going on in the scene and also he tells us the names of the characters. He carefully considers lighting and the camera angles and movements. These things make the storyboard very clear and easy to understand.

Another artist who creates storyboards is Ian McCaughrean. He produces most of his images digitally. They are very detailed, clear and organised illustrations, which are easily give the message.

Examples of storyboards:

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