
Distance is quite simply the distance between the camera and the subject being captured.

EWS (Extreme Wide Shot)
The view is so far from the subject that he isn't even visible. Often used as an establishing shot.

VWS (Very Wide Shot)
The subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment.

WS (Wide Shot)
The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible.

MS (Mid Shot)
Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject.

MCU (Medium Close Up)
Half way between a MS and a CU.

CU (Close Up)

A certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame

ECU (Extreme Close Up)
The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.

Shows some (other) part of the subject in detail.

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