
The Time

Stop motion is about creating something unusual or abstract in a realistic way to achieve a fascinating, exciting and appealing result. Our project is about a representation of stop motion and our own interpretation of Time. The idea of our short animated film is to present the movement of natural objects with the use of art. It’s also to show exploration and development in media of stop frame animation. It was later in the experimentation that we wanted to include the human figure.The duration of it will be 1 minute and 10 seconds and in that amount of time we will give across an idea of an importance of the Time and show how quickly it passes by.

 Our photographs showing a continuous pattern which increasingly appears on the human body show the changes that occur in people’s life and it’s also a different way of representing a journey that each person needs to go through and that journey is ‘drawn’ on our skin.The whole animation will start from the title, ‘The Time’, which appears as stop motion, followed by the image of a person sitting on a chair with a guitar. The guitar would represent the unfounded passions and talents.

I believe that our animation could be used as a music video with a strong message, which we try to communicate with viewer and make the audience think of the video more in depth. The calm and still person symbolizes no feelings or emotions through life without making any changes, while the Time keeps on going on and it seems like it passes by without the character being involved in life.Our aim is to create quite sad and dispiriting emotions through the video. 

‘The Time’ by Hans Zimmer is a powerful melody, where at some point it seems frightening, but it creates the right atmosphere. We want show the feelings of a young person, who has undiscovered talents, but is too sad and depressed to find out those talents and make a use of them, so the Time passes by making inconvertible changes, while the person stays the same. 

The technology used for making the animation was an SLR camera, tripod, camera Lighting and a computer were we used the software’s Windows Live Movie Maker and Final Cut Pro and the target audience for ‘The Time’ is the Raindance Film Festival, MTV, KISS, The Box, 4Music, etc.

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