xBox Stop Motion Commercial

While experimenting with stop motion animation, I have looked at some videos. On YouTube, I found some very interesting and ambitious pieces. I particularly liked the Xbox stop motion commercial. It represents what you can do on Xbox concentrating on movies mainly.

In the commercial, the camera angle does not change; it is a medium close up and the camera stays at the same place through the whole video, showing a person’s hands and arms without showing the head. The character uses clay, which is green, because the logo of Xbox is in that colour.

The video is quite short, but there are a lot of things happening, because the video goes really quick. After 3 seconds, the person is already creating some characters from movies and it is really easy to recognise what is actually happening in the commercial. The reason why the camera stays at one place is to do not make the viewer confused about the whole clip. Also the minimum amount of objects is used so the message is clear.
I think that the commercial is pretty simple, but at the same time it’s very interesting and it gives a clear message.

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