
Camera Angles, like Distances, can be used by the Director to create meaning for the audience .
Conventionally High Angles , which look down on a subject are used t make the subject look small and vulnerable, while Low Angles, looking up at the subject make it big and important.

Establishing Shot shows the whole scene and introduces the audience to location or setting.
Cutaway is a shot which shows something other than the current action.
Insert Shot  shows some part of the subject detail.
Over the Shoulder Shot  looks over someone's shoulder at the subject. It can be used to position the audience closer to the action or to reveal some detail.
Two Shot is a shot with two people in it.
Three Shot is a shot with three people in it
Point-of-View Shot shows the audience a view of something from the subjects perspective.
Shot-Reverse-Shot is often used in scenes with a conversation. One speaker is shot, then the camera reversed to show the other speaker.

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